Price Family Homestead
McNamee Road at Holt Road, SW Corner
PID# 40086522
Description: The Price Family Homestead is a modest pioneer homestead constructed of hand sewn logs circa 1809. It is the oldest home in the area. It is situated on the McNamee Road at the Holt Road on the SW corner. It is located in the McNamee region of the Rural Community of Upper Miramichi.
Heritage Value: The Price Family Homestead is designated a Local Historic Place for its architecture and for its association with the earliest pioneer settlers to this area. This home is believed to have been built in 1809 by a member of the Price Family. It is known that in 1812 Richard and Abigail Price and family were residents. Originally built on the McNamee flats, adjacent to its present location, this place was moved by the Price Family following a heavy spring flooding using a team of Oxen. The access road leading to the McNamee Flats location was closed off with wooden bars, locally known as "Aunt Abby's Bars". It was later occupied by such local surnames as McNamee, Donald and Holt. It housed the first McNamee Post Office when occupied by resident John McNamee. It is the only known surviving homestead constructed of hand hewn log construction in the Miramichi River Watershed.
Source: Rural Community of Upper Miramichi, Site File #10-21
Character-defining Elements: The character-defining elements relating to this modest pioneer homestead includes:
- one and a half storey rectangular massing;
- hand hewn log construction;
- clad in shingles.