Henry Braitwaite Cabin
6342 Route 8
PID# 40088650
Description: The Henry Braithwaite Cabin is a one story rustic trapper's cabin, It has been relocated to the Central NB Woodmen Museum and is situated in a natural setting within the compound on the south side of Route 8 in the Boiestown Region of the Rural Community of Upper Miramichi.
Heritage Value: The Henry Braithwaite Cabin is designated a Local Historic Place for its architecture and for its association with the province's most renown trapper and hunting-fishing guide during the turn of the 19thh century. The rustic architecture yet fine craftsmanship displayed in its construction shed light on a bygone era and way of life. Henry Braithwaite has been seen as the first hunting guide to promote the trade of "hunting sports" from abroad into the natural environs of New Brunswick. Braithwaite learned and honed his woodman's skills under the guidance of Maliseet guide Gabe Acquin, with whom he travelled as a boy. He gained world-wide notoriety and recognition for inherit passion of wildlife and guiding skills throughout his life and was highly sought after by seasoned hunters from many areas of the world. He carried on his lifestyle of living alone in the wilderness of the reaches of the Southwest Miramichi River well into his eighth decade.
Source: Rural Community of Upper Miramichi, Site File #09-07
Character-defining Elements: The character-defining elements of the Henry Braithwaite Cabin include:
- simple rustic cabin architecture comprising one large room;
- constructed of peeled native spruce logs;
- low-pitched uninsulated board roof supported by eleven exposed ridgepoles;
- offset front façade entrance;
- central window placement on side and rear walls.
The character-defining elements of the cabin's interior include:
- rough plank floor;
- exposed chink log walls.