Boiestown United Church

Boiestown United Church

Boiestown United Church

3571 Route 625

PID# 40088742

Description: The Boiestown United Church is situated on the north side of Route 625 in the Boiestown Region of the Rural Community of Upper Miramichi. Its design represents Rural Gothic Revival church architectures in New Brunswick during the mid to late 19th century.

Heritage Value: The Boiestown United Church is designated a Local Historic Place for its association with the Fairley Family, for its architecture and for its spiritual impact since the mid 19th century. The Boiestown United Church, formerly the Boiestown Methodist Church was constructed in 1868 and is the oldest existing church in the area. The construction of the church was spearheaded by the Trustees, many of whom were of the Fairley family. The Fairley's were prominent business members of the community and followers of the Methodist faith. This church is a good example of Rural Gothic Revival religious architecture from this era in New Brunswick.

The Boiestown United Church is also valued within this community for it's spiritual impact, when in 1903, the local Methodist congregation agreed to share the use of their church and its operational cost with the Presbyterian and Baptist congregations. HIs arrangement carried on until 1912 when the Baptist congregation constructed its own church. Such an event promoted a community bond within the faiths.

The Presbyterian congregation joined with the Methodist congregation in 1925 to form the United Church of Canada. The Boiestown United Church stands near the junction of the Southwest Miramichi and the Taxis River.

Source: Rural Community of Upper Miramichi, Site File #09-11

Character-defining Elements: The character-defining elements associated with the Boiestown United Church include:

  • one and a half story Gothis Revival form and massing;
  • steeply pitched gable roof;
  • front entrance in vestibule on front façade;
  • gothic style windows with label moulding;
  • Belfry with Gothic covered louver vents;
  • the addition of the octagonal spore and bell circa 1915.



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  6094 Route 8, Boiestown

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